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Public Diplomacy

The key functions of the Department are:
  • Promoting Uganda's image both at home and abroad by actively and continuously engaging various stakeholders (i.e. civil society, media, private sector, academia, international community, etc.) through publications, seminars, regular press briefings, use of social media, etc.
  • Ensuring that the public in Uganda and abroad (through our missions) have accurate updates on foreign policy developments and domestic economic and social policies that have bearings on Uganda's image and reputation abroad.
  • Engaging the media and the non-media channels in cultural diplomacy, public information, internal broadcasting, education and political action to reflect the country's policies in the correct perspective and dispel any wrong impression about the same. 
  • Articulating government core functions, policies, positions and regulations nationally, regionally and internationally with a view to protecting, promoting and projecting the country's image.
  • Providing assistance and avenues for highlighting Uganda's foreign policy priority focus, achievements, challenges and branding and rebranding of both the Ministry and Government. 
  • Cascading the National Communication Strategy to all levels in the Ministry and missions abroad.
The Public Diplomacy Department has 3 Divisions and an audio-visual unit. The Divisions are:

This Division is responsible for setting the agenda in the media on anything that relates to Uganda's foreign policy. The principle followed is not to wait for others to break the news but set the agenda and turn any news event or story into a platform to promote Uganda and the Ministry. It would handle Public Outreach, Public Relations. 

The Media and Public Relations Division will among others be responsible for:
  • Accurate and timely information content that goes up on the 36 MoFA websites. 
  • Media Relations: Talking with the media, fielding questions from reporters, arranging for interviews with key individuals in the organization preparing press releases to make the media aware of Ministry events, achievements and official positions.
  • Crisis Monitoring and Communication
  • Liaison with the Public Relations Companies hired by GoU on promoting Uganda abroad. 
  • Media and Public Relations Division responsibilities Cont’d
  • Coordination of Opinion pieces in print media by Ministry Staff 
  • It will be responsible for organizing an Editor's forum, maintaining an updated media communication list and events that involve the media
  • Will keep and maintain an up to date communication database of all staff for efficient communication. 
  • Responsible for the publication of the official MoFA Magazine/Journal and any other promotional articles
  • Monitoring Social Media activity in line with the agreed Social media Marketing Plan. It will collect media reports on anything about Uganda that is trending in the media. Tracking negative mentions on television, radio (local and international) and any other social media platform. Maximizing positive use of social media to build the Ministry's image. Managing a Twitter feed, a Facebook page and a YouTube channel, Monitoring public comments about the organization on the Internet and early warning of any emerging trends or problems.
  • The Department will ensure that before any major event, the Ministry's engagement on social media targets those that have opinion on foreign policy with a huge public following. "Twitter allies" will be invited before every major event and discuss with the responsible experts in order to gain a clear understanding of the event and how it will promote Uganda's foreign policy.  
  • Crisis Communication: Ensuring that in the event that the Ministry or the country is struck by a disastrous event that ruins its public image appropriate steps are taken to repair this damage, communicate how it is dealing with the problem and regain control of its message.
  • Responsible for mailing list of Media Officers in Resident Missions and Missions abroad
  • Represents the Ministry on the Government Communicators Forum
  • Corporate branding paints a corporate image of MoFA to the public and shapes the perception of visitors or clients to ensure that it exudes soft power as well as handling of Promotional Advertising of the Ministry at home and abroad. It manages the messages and outward appearances of the Ministry, where it is seen and who sees it from mission statements to implementation.
  •  It serves as the face of the Ministry, coordinating and producing all materials representing our business. It is this Division's job to reach out to prospects, customers, investors and/or the diplomatic community, and create an overarching image that represents the Ministry in a positive light that is, Brand MoFA.
  • Under Corporate Branding, the division will 
  • Ensure the visual identity of the Ministry is distinct, recognizable and respectable. 
  • Create and disseminate standard templates for Ministry's visual image using set/agreed guidelines. This will include looking at internal communication and branding of emails ensuring uniformity on corporate identity for email, identity cards, business cards, setting and enforcing the standard publication font, quality of headed papers and stationery, use of the Ministry logos for all internal and external communication. 
  • It will give guidance to the procurement department and estates department on the appearance of MoFA public spaces (both for HQ and Missions abroad), meeting rooms, lobbies, wall art etc to ensure that the Corporate Identity of the MoFA is not lost as it markets the work of other departments. 
  • Manage the Ministry's Gift Policy and ensure that Official Government delegations and officials carry gifts that are commensurate with the image and standard of a Foreign Ministry
  • Give guidance on Ministry decor, signage, graphics, promotional posters, special websites for official events, conferences and ceremonies organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Missions abroad and ensures that during events, customized banners are designed and placed in strategic locations.
  • Be responsible for the creation/design of Ministry templates, uniforms, decals, stickers, labels, branded stationery and branded gift and promotional items. Create the materials that describe and promote our core products and/or services, and keep them up-to-date as those products and services evolve.
  • Be responsible for the typesetting, graphics, photography and cover designs for all Ministry publications in line with the agreed Corporate Branding Policy of the Ministry
  • Design, Brand and make adverts for national days, events, celebrations and sponsors. This branded content will be customized to official languages of our different host countries abroad and used at different Missions 
  • Responsible for sourcing advertorial sponsorship packages from Ministry partners, foreign missions and their business partners. 
  • In close consultation with the Protocol Department will take charge of managing the corporate image during all stage managed events such as dinners, plays, events, awards, Ministerial Dinners and diplomatic fairs where the diplomatic corps are invited to an exhibition to show case their national products that are of interest to locals. 
  • The marketing team is also responsible for any award ceremonies that are held to celebrate individuals that have expanded Uganda's global footprint. 
  • Represents the Ministry on the National Branding Committee
Cultural Diplomacy creates a foundation of trust with other peoples, i.e.;
  • It creates relationships which endure beyond changes in Government, can reach influential members of foreign societies who cannot be reached through traditional embassy or national functions;
  • It provides a positive agenda for cooperation in spite of policy differences;
  • Creates a neutral platform for people-to-people contact;
  • Serves as a flexible, universally acceptable vehicle for rapprochement with countries where diplomatic relations have been strained or are absent and is uniquely able to reach out to young people, non-elites and broad audiences even where a language barrier exists. It does this through the universally understood media of music, dance, drama, food, art, sports, tourism, film etc
The MoFA photo Unit documents mandated activities throughout the Ministry, telling the story of the Ministry at its headquarters and in the field. It ensures that photographic and audio capabilities of the Ministry's activities are taken care of and safely stored. All images in the collection are intended for news and editorial usage. The Photography Unit's Mission is to make its collection available both internally and to media organizations, governments and non-governmental organizations, researchers and civil society at large, in order to foster public understanding of the work of the Ministry and its goals.



